clc; close all; clear all; %This program is for optimization of spectrum sensing in %Cognitive radio network. N=20; j=1; tt=[]; err2=[]; Pmi=[]; Pdc=[]; error=[]; err1=[]; K=10; snr=10; Qd=0; Qf=0; tt=10:0.5:60; vec=['-+','-o','-v','-d','->','-x','-s','-<','-*','-^']; for n=1:1:10 s=ones(1,N); w=randn(1,N); u=N/2; %Time-delay bandwidth product for t=10:0.5:60 Qd=0; Qf=0; SNR=10^(snr/10); %for linear scale a=sqrt(2*SNR); b=sqrt(t); Pd = marcumq(a,b,u ); % AVG. PROB OF DETECTION(computes the generalized Marcum Q) Pf = gammainc((t/2),u,'upper');% AVG. PROB OF FALSE ALARM(compute incompelete gamma function) Pm=1-Pd; %AVG. PROB OF MISSED DETECTION OVER AWGN for l=n:1:K Qd=Qd+(factorial(K)*(Pd^l)*((1-Pd)^(K-l))/(factorial(l)*factorial(K-l))); Qf=Qf+(factorial(K)*(Pf^l)*((1-Pf)^(K-l))/(factorial(l)*factorial(K-l))); end Qm=1-Qd; err=Qf+Qm; err1=[err1 err]; end end l=1; i=1; for j=1:1:10 semilogy(tt,err1(i:i+100),vec(l:l+1),'LineWidth',1.5) i=i+101; l=l+2; hold on; end grid on; ylabel('Total Error rate'); xlabel('Threshold'); %----------------------Energy Detection---------------------------------------- n=5; rel=10000; tt1=10:0.5:60; er1=[]; for t=10:0.5:60 Pdc=0; Pfc=0; Qd=0; Qf=0; Qm=0; for i=1:1:rel SNR=10; snr=10^(SNR/10); s=ones(1,N); w=randn(1,N); vari=var(w); %variance of noise Es=sum(s.^2); N02=(Es)/(2*snr); x1=s+w; x2=w; W=1; %Time-delay bandwidth product E0=(sum(x2.^2))/((W*N02)); E1=(sum(x1.^2))/((W*N02)); if E1>t Pdc=Pdc+1; else end if E0>t Pfc=Pfc+1; else end end Pd=Pdc/rel; Pf=Pfc/rel; for l=n:1:K Qd=Qd+(factorial(K)*(Pd^l)*((1-Pd)^(K-l))/(factorial(l)*factorial(K-l))); Qf=Qf+(factorial(K)*(Pf^l)*((1-Pf)^(K-l))/(factorial(l)*factorial(K-l))); end Qm=1-Qd; er=Qf+Qm; er1=[er1 er]; end hold on; semilogy(tt1,er1,'*r') grid on; ylabel('Total Error rate'); xlabel('Threshold'); legend('n=1','n=2','n=3','n=4','n=5','n=6','n=7','n=8','n=9','n=10','n=5 by modelling');
simulate Wireless communication and sensor networks using MATLAB
Saturday, November 7, 2015
optimization in Cognitive radio network (spectrum sensing, total error rate)
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol (LEACH) in WSN & path_delay_calculation in Wireless Sensor Networks GUI
LEACH is a hierarchical protocol in which most nodes transmit to cluster heads, and the cluster heads aggregate and compress the data and forward it to the base station(sink). Each node uses a stochastic algorithm at each round to determine whether it will become a cluster head in this round. LEACH assumes that each node has a radio powerful enough to directly reach the base station or the nearest cluster head, but that using this radio at full power all the time would waste energy. Nodes that have been cluster heads cannot become cluster heads again for P rounds, where P is the desired percentage of cluster heads. Thereafter, each node has a 1/P probability of becoming a cluster head in each round. At the end of each round, each node that is not a cluster head selects the closest cluster head and joins that cluster. The cluster head then creates a schedule for each node in its cluster to transmit its data. All nodes that are not cluster heads only communicate with the cluster head in a TDMA fashion, according to the schedule created by the cluster head. They do so using the minimum energy needed to reach the cluster head, and only need to keep their radios on during their time slot. LEACH also uses CDMA so that each cluster uses a different set of CDMA codes, to minimize interference between clusters.
MATLAB release MATLAB 8.0 (R2012b)
Other requirements Windows x64
clear; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Field Dimensions - x and y maximum (in meters)/ Tarife Size mohite shabake(m) xm=100; ym=100; %x and y Coordinates of the Sink / sink.x=0.5*xm; sink.y=0.5*ym; %Number of Nodes in the field / Tedade Node haye shabake n=100 %Optimal Election Probability of a node to become cluster head/ Ehtemale Entekhab Node be onvane Cluster Head p=0.1; %Energy Model (all values in Joules)/ Energy ha bar hasbe Joule %Initial Energy / Energy Avaliye Eo=0.5; %Eelec=Etx=Erx ETX=50*0.000000001; ERX=50*0.000000001; %Transmit Amplifier types / Ghodrate Ersal Efs=10*0.000000000001; Emp=0.0013*0.000000000001; %Data Aggregation Energy/ Energy Masrafi Tajmie Dade EDA=5*0.000000001; %Values for Hetereogeneity %Percentage of nodes than are advanced m=0.1; %\alpha a=1; %maximum number of rounds/ Max tedade round ha rmax=200 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Computation of do/ do=sqrt(Efs/Emp); %Creation of the random Sensor Network/ Tolide Randome shabake figure(1); for i=1:1:n S(i).xd=rand(1,1)*xm; XR(i)=S(i).xd; S(i).yd=rand(1,1)*ym; YR(i)=S(i).yd; S(i).G=0; %initially there are no cluster heads only nodes/ Dar ebteda hich Cluster Head i mojud nist S(i).type='N'; temp_rnd0=i; %Random Election of Normal Nodes/ Entekhabe Tasadofi Node ha if (temp_rnd0>=m*n+1) S(i).E=Eo; S(i).ENERGY=0; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'o'); hold on; end %Random Election of Advanced Nodes/ Entekhab Tasadofie CH ha if (temp_rnd0<m*n+1) S(i).E=Eo*(1+a) S(i).ENERGY=1; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'+'); hold on; end end S(n+1).xd=sink.x; S(n+1).yd=sink.y; plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'x'); %First Iteration figure(1); %counter for CHs/ Tedade Cluster Head ha countCHs=0; %counter for CHs per round/ Tedade CH haye har Round rcountCHs=0; cluster=1; countCHs; rcountCHs=rcountCHs+countCHs; flag_first_dead=0; for r=0:1:rmax r %Operation for epoch/ Formule entekhabe CH if(mod(r, round(1/p) )==0) for i=1:1:n S(i).G=0; S(i).cl=0; end end hold off; %Number of dead nodes/ Tedade Node haye morde dar kol dead=0; %Number of dead Advanced Nodes/ Tedade Node haye CH morde dead_a=0; %Number of dead Normal Nodes/ Tedade Node haye morde mamuli dead_n=0; %counter for bit transmitted to Bases Station and to Cluster Heads/ Tedade packet haye ersali be BS packets_TO_BS=0; packets_TO_CH=0; %counter for bit transmitted to Bases Station and to Cluster Heads /Tedade packet haye Ersali be BS dar har round %per round PACKETS_TO_CH(r+1)=0; PACKETS_TO_BS(r+1)=0; figure(1); for i=1:1:n %checking if there is a dead node/ Check kardane zende budane Node ha if (S(i).E<=0) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'red .'); dead=dead+1; if(S(i).ENERGY==1) dead_a=dead_a+1; end if(S(i).ENERGY==0) dead_n=dead_n+1; end hold on; end if S(i).E>0 S(i).type='N'; if (S(i).ENERGY==0) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'o'); end if (S(i).ENERGY==1) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'+'); end hold on; end end plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'x'); STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD=dead; DEAD(r+1)=dead; DEAD_N(r+1)=dead_n; DEAD_A(r+1)=dead_a; %When the first node dies/ Pas az marge avalin Node if (dead==1) if(flag_first_dead==0) first_dead=r flag_first_dead=1; end end countCHs=0; cluster=1; for i=1:1:n if(S(i).E>0) temp_rand=rand; if ( (S(i).G)<=0) %Election of Cluster Heads/ Entekhabe CH if(temp_rand<= (p/(1-p*mod(r,round(1/p))))) countCHs=countCHs+1; packets_TO_BS=packets_TO_BS+1; PACKETS_TO_BS(r+1)=packets_TO_BS; S(i).type='C'; S(i).G=round(1/p)-1; C(cluster).xd=S(i).xd; C(cluster).yd=S(i).yd; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'k*'); distance=sqrt( (S(i).xd-(S(n+1).xd) )^2 + (S(i).yd-(S(n+1).yd) )^2 ); C(cluster).distance=distance; C(cluster).id=i; X(cluster)=S(i).xd; Y(cluster)=S(i).yd; cluster=cluster+1; %Calculation of Energy dissipated/ Mohasebe energy masrafi distance; if (distance>do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Emp*4000*( distance*distance*distance*distance )); end if (distance<=do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Efs*4000*( distance * distance )); end end end end end STATISTICS(r+1).CLUSTERHEADS=cluster-1; CLUSTERHS(r+1)=cluster-1; %Election of Associated Cluster Head for Normal Nodes/ Entekhabe CH marbute baraye Node haye mamuli for i=1:1:n if ( S(i).type=='N' && S(i).E>0 ) if(cluster-1>=1) min_dis=sqrt( (S(i).xd-S(n+1).xd)^2 + (S(i).yd-S(n+1).yd)^2 ); min_dis_cluster=1; for c=1:1:cluster-1 temp=min(min_dis,sqrt( (S(i).xd-C(c).xd)^2 + (S(i).yd-C(c).yd)^2 ) ); if ( temp<min_dis ) min_dis=temp; min_dis_cluster=c; end end %Energy dissipated by associated Cluster Head/ Mohasebe energy masrafi CH ha min_dis; if (min_dis>do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( ETX*(4000) + Emp*4000*( min_dis * min_dis * min_dis * min_dis)); end if (min_dis<=do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( ETX*(4000) + Efs*4000*( min_dis * min_dis)); end %Energy dissipated/ Masrafe energy kol if(min_dis>0) S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E = S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E- ( (ERX + EDA)*4000 ); PACKETS_TO_CH(r+1)=n-dead-cluster+1; end S(i).min_dis=min_dis; S(i).min_dis_cluster=min_dis_cluster; end end end hold on; countCHs; rcountCHs=rcountCHs+countCHs; end
% DEAD : a rmax x 1 array of number of dead nodes/round % % DEAD_A : a rmax x 1 array of number of dead Advanced nodes/round % % DEAD_N : a rmax x 1 array of number of dead Normal nodes/round % % CLUSTERHS : a rmax x 1 array of number of Cluster Heads/round % % PACKETS_TO_BS : a rmax x 1 array of number packets send to Base Station/round % % PACKETS_TO_CH : a rmax x 1 array of number of packets send to ClusterHeads/round % % first_dead: the round where the first node died
WSN protocol implementation leach program GUI
close all; clear; clc;
%------------------------------- %Number of Nodes in the field n=200; %n=input('Enter the number of nodes in the space : '); %Energy Model (all values in Joules) %Initial Energy Eo=0.1; %Eo=input('Enter the initial energy of sensor nJ : '); %Field Dimensions - x and y maximum (in meters) % xm=input('Enter x value for area plot : '); % ym=input('Enter y value for area plot : '); xm=100; ym=100; %x and y Coordinates of the Sink sink.x=1.5*xm; sink.y=0.5*ym; %Optimal Election Probability of a node %to become cluster head p=0.2; %Eelec=Etx=Erx ETX=50*0.000000001; ERX=50*0.000000001; %Transmit Amplifier types Efs=10*0.000000000001; Emp=0.0013*0.000000000001; %Data Aggregation Energy EDA=5*0.000000001; %Values for Hetereogeneity %Percentage of nodes than are advanced m=0.5; %\alpha a=1; %maximum number of rounds %rmax=input('enter the number of iterations you want to run : '); rmax=50;
%------------------ %Computation of do do=sqrt(Efs/Emp); %Creation of the random Sensor Network figure(1); hold off; for i=1:1:n S(i).xd=rand(1,1)*xm; XR(i)=S(i).xd; S(i).yd=rand(1,1)*ym; YR(i)=S(i).yd; S(i).G=0; %initially there are no cluster heads only nodes S(i).type='N'; temp_rnd0=i; %Random Election of Normal Nodes if (temp_rnd0>=m*n+1) S(i).E=Eo; S(i).ENERGY=0; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'o-r'); hold on; end %Random Election of Advanced Nodes if (temp_rnd0<m*n+1) S(i).E=Eo*(1+a); S(i).ENERGY=1; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'+'); hold on; end end S(n+1).xd=sink.x; S(n+1).yd=sink.y; plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'o', 'MarkerSize', 12, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r'); figure(1); % figure(1) % plot(o1,o2,'^','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',12); % hold on %First Iteration %counter for CHs countCHs=0; %counter for CHs per round rcountCHs=0; cluster=1; countCHs; rcountCHs=rcountCHs+countCHs; flag_first_dead=0; for r=0:1:rmax r; %Operation for epoch if(mod(r, round(1/p) )==0) for i=1:1:n S(i).G=0; S(i).cl=0; end end hold off; %Number of dead nodes dead=0; %Number of dead Advanced Nodes dead_a=0; %Number of dead Normal Nodes dead_n=0; %counter for bit transmitted to Bases Station and to Cluster Heads packets_TO_BS=0; packets_TO_CH=0; %counter for bit transmitted to Bases Station and to Cluster Heads %per round PACKETS_TO_CH(r+1)=0; PACKETS_TO_BS(r+1)=0; figure(1); for i=1:1:n %checking if there is a dead node if (S(i).E<=0) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'^','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','y', 'MarkerSize',8); dead=dead+1; if(S(i).ENERGY==1) dead_a=dead_a+1; end if(S(i).ENERGY==0) dead_n=dead_n+1; end hold on; end if S(i).E>0 S(i).type='N'; if (S(i).ENERGY==0) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'o','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerSize',8); end if (S(i).ENERGY==1) plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'+','LineWidth',3, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','r', 'MarkerSize',8); end hold on; end end plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'x','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','r', 'MarkerSize',8); STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD=dead; DEAD(r+1)=dead; DEAD_N(r+1)=dead_n; DEAD_A(r+1)=dead_a; % plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'o', 'MarkerSize', 12, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r'); % plot(S(n+1).xd,S(n+1).yd,'x','LineWidth',1, 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','r', 'MarkerSize',8); %When the first node dies if (dead==1) if(flag_first_dead==0) first_dead=r; flag_first_dead=1; end end countCHs=0; cluster=1; for i=1:1:n if(S(i).E>0) temp_rand=rand; if ( (S(i).G)<=0) %Election of Cluster Heads if(temp_rand<= (p/(1-p*mod(r,round(1/p))))) countCHs=countCHs+1; packets_TO_BS=packets_TO_BS+1; PACKETS_TO_BS(r+1)=packets_TO_BS; S(i).type='C'; S(i).G=round(1/p)-1; C(cluster).xd=S(i).xd; C(cluster).yd=S(i).yd; plot(S(i).xd,S(i).yd,'k*'); distance=sqrt( (S(i).xd-(S(n+1).xd) )^2 + (S(i).yd-(S(n+1).yd) )^2 ); C(cluster).distance=distance; C(cluster).id=i; X(cluster)=S(i).xd; Y(cluster)=S(i).yd; cluster=cluster+1; %Calculation of Energy dissipated distance; if (distance>do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Emp*4000*( distance*distance*distance*distance )); %S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Emp*4000*( distance*distance*distance*distance )); end if (distance<=do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Efs*4000*( distance * distance )); %S(i).E=S(i).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Efs*4000*( distance * distance )); end Energy_disp(r+1) = S(i).E; end end end end STATISTICS(r+1).CLUSTERHEADS=cluster-1; CLUSTERHS(r+1)=cluster-1; %Election of Associated Cluster Head for Normal Nodes for i=1:1:n if ( S(i).type=='N' && S(i).E>0 ) if(cluster-1>=1) min_dis=sqrt( (S(i).xd-S(n+1).xd)^2 + (S(i).yd-S(n+1).yd)^2 ); min_dis_cluster=1; for c=1:1:cluster-1 temp=min(min_dis,sqrt( (S(i).xd-C(c).xd)^2 + (S(i).yd-C(c).yd)^2 ) ); if ( temp<min_dis ) min_dis=temp; min_dis_cluster=c; end end %Energy dissipated by associated Cluster Head min_dis; if (min_dis>do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( ETX*(4000) + Emp*4000*( min_dis * min_dis * min_dis * min_dis)); end if (min_dis<=do) S(i).E=S(i).E- ( ETX*(4000) + Efs*4000*( min_dis * min_dis)); end %Energy dissipated if(min_dis>0) distance=sqrt( (S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).xd-(S(n+1).xd) )^2 + (S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).yd-(S(n+1).yd) )^2 ); S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E = S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E- ( (ERX + EDA)*4000 ); if (distance>do) S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E=S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Emp*4000*( distance*distance*distance*distance )); end if (distance<=do) S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E=S(C(min_dis_cluster).id).E- ( (ETX+EDA)*(4000) + Efs*4000*( distance * distance )); end PACKETS_TO_CH(r+1)=n-dead-cluster+1; end S(i).min_dis=min_dis; S(i).min_dis_cluster=min_dis_cluster; end end end hold on; countCHs; rcountCHs=rcountCHs+countCHs; sum=0; for i=1:1:n if(S(i).E>0) sum=sum+S(i).E; end end avg=sum/n; STATISTICS(r+1).AVG=avg; sum; %Code for Voronoi Cells %Unfortynately if there is a small %number of cells, Matlab's voronoi %procedure has some problems warning('OFF'); [vx,vy]=voronoi(X(:),Y(:)); plot(X,Y,'g+',vx,vy,'m-'); hold on; voronoi(X,Y); axis([10 xm 0 ym]); end % figure1 = figure11; % % Create axes % axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,'YGrid','on','XGrid','on','GridLineStyle','--'); % box(axes1,'on'); % hold(axes1,'all'); figure(2); for r=0:1:24 ylabel('Average Energy of Each Node'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).AVG STATISTICS(r+2).AVG],'red'); hold on; end figure(3); for r=0:1:49 ylabel('Average Energy of Each Node'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).AVG STATISTICS(r+2).AVG],'red'); hold on; end figure(4); for r=0:1:74 ylabel('Average Energy of Each Node'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).AVG STATISTICS(r+2).AVG],'red'); hold on; end figure(5); for r=0:1:99 ylabel('Average Energy of Each Node'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).AVG STATISTICS(r+2).AVG],'red'); hold on; end figure(6); for r=0:1:24 ylabel('Number of Dead Nodes'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD STATISTICS(r+2).DEAD],'red'); hold on; end figure(7); for r=0:1:49 ylabel('Number of Dead Nodes'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD STATISTICS(r+2).DEAD],'red'); hold on; end figure(8); for r=0:1:74 ylabel('Number of Dead Nodes'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD STATISTICS(r+2).DEAD],'red'); hold on; end figure(9); for r=0:1:99 ylabel('Number of Dead Nodes'); xlabel('Round Number'); plot([r r+1],[STATISTICS(r+1).DEAD STATISTICS(r+2).DEAD],'red'); hold on; end
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